Many organizations have acquired NComputing products and have fully integrated them with their IT infrastructure. In order for these devices to function effectively, technical support is required. Below are some common problems that occur and recommended solutions.
Problem: Devices keep going off after 15 – 30 minutes
or Client Hangs (Freezes) During Connection
vSpace Registration
To initiate the registration process, please do the
- Open the Start Menu
- Navigate to All Programs > NComputing vSpace
- Select “vSpace Registration”
- Note: You can cancel the registration process at any time by clicking the “Cancel” button. Additionally, the “Back” button can be used to return to a previous step of the wizard, if you wish to make any changes.
- At the registration program “welcome” screen, click the "Next" button to proceed. If vSpace password protection is turned on, you will be required to enter your password.
- Next, you are presented with the vSpace End User License Agreement (EULA). If you agree, click in the “I agree” check box, and then click the “Next” button.
- To register your software and access devices, leave the “Register” radio button selected and click “Next.”
- At the "Customer Data" screen, if the data fields are not already populated, fill in all requested information. Once all data has been entered, click on the "Next" button.
- Note: The Phone and Fax numbers must be entered without dashes or parentheses
visit the link for NComputing X550 registration